Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My Day in the Life of a Designer by Sami Mack

I recently had the chance to work with Angelique Medow, 'tagging along' on her job locations, and seeing exactly what went into the magical transformations of the spaces she works on. I was pleasantly surprised to see the commitment Angelique had to, not only the deadlines of the projects, but the quality of every detail.

We started on a residential project in Vonore, Tennessee, where we met up with some painters who had been finishing up some cabinets that would eventually have detail added to them before they were reassembled. The vision Angelique had was to sand down the edges of the wooden cabinets, which were painted white, to add the darker accent wood's natural color to each cabinet. It matched some other parts of the room which had already been completed. She explained the idea to all of us involved. (I'll be honest, she often sees much greater things than the rest of us would ever begin to imagine.) She had no qualms about getting her hands dirty and demonstrating the methods which she had envisioned to accomplish this.

After spending a few hours sanding, one cabinet at a time, carefully making sure they were uniform, yet still unique, as a quality of anything done by hand, we had to run around to collect supplies for another project she was working on.

... more "Day in the Life of"s to come!